FINES for littering and other nuisance behaviour in a city are to be increased.

Durham City Council has announced that fixed-penalty notices for littering, graffiti and fly posting are being increased from £50 to £80, while offences such as the misuse of bins and late-night noise have been set at £110.

The fines for dog fouling are to stay at £50.

The move is part of a council crackdown on environmental crime and anti-social behaviour and the authority is also looking into ways to deal with other issues, such as light pollution.

The council is also considering introducing designated areas across the city where it would be necessary for people to gain approval before handing out advertising leaflets in the street.

Councillor Carol Woods, the council's portfolio holder for environment and leisure, said: "This is a really good initiative to show the city is taking a firm stand on litter and other anti-social behaviour offences.

"Our position seems to be working well so far, as environment surveys show there is less litter on the streets and we can be proud of a clean city.

"We are grateful to all those who dispose of their litter responsibly and help keep the city clean, but hope that these new powers will send a message to others to say we are getting tough and large fines will be handed out to anyone seen committing one of these offences."

The laws are enforced by a team of six neighbourhood wardens.