GOVERNMENT inspectors have praised a school for the progress it has made over the past two years.

Inspectors from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) visited Jesmond Road Primary School, in Hartlepool, earlier this month.

Their report says: "The school has improved at a good rate since the last inspection. It provides a safe, welcoming environment that is valued by pupils and parents.

"The vast majority of pupils attend regularly and say they enjoy school because everyone is friendly and willing to help. They behave appropriately in class and in the playground because there are clear rules to guide them."

The report adds: "By year six, pupils reach standards that are average and their achievement is satisfactory. This is because they benefit from good, and sometimes outstanding, teaching during their last two years in the school."

When the school was last inspected, in 2004, it was judged to have serious weaknesses, but this is no longer the case.

Headteacher Jane Loomes said: "The staff, children and parents are delighted that the inspection team recognised the hard work and efforts by everyone.

"The recent key stage two tests were the best we have ever had, and this ably demonstrated to the inspectors that the school is making significant progress."