COUNTRY sports enthusiasts have opted to spread some Christmas cheer among troops serving in Iraq.

The Catterick Beagles have sent ten boxes of goodies to soldiers from 19 Light Brigade, at Catterick Garrison, who are serving in and around Basra.

The boxes contain sweets, comics, crossword books and wash kits, along with 2007 calendars produced by the Bedale Hunt and featuring female hunt members in poses.

Isabel Radford, hunt secretary of the Catterick Beagles, said: "As a military pack based at Catterick Garrison, we felt that sending Christmas boxes to even a small number of our troops in Iraq was a way of showing our support to soldiers when they're away from their families at Christmas.

"The Catterick Beagles will be meeting several times over the Christmas holidays and, given our military connections, we do so with our soldiers overseas very much in our thoughts."

The Bedale Hunt calendar is available from the hunt secretary, telephone 01609-772633.