A GRANDMOTHER with a 20-year heroin addiction stole clothing because she could not make ends meet, a court was told.

Lisa Michelle Burnside, of Elmfield Street, Darlington, stole clothes from Matalan on August 8 and again on August 10, as well as a £25 jacket from Greenwoods on September 18 this year.

Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard the 39-year-old, who receives £109 a fortnight in benefits, was struggling to make ends meet when she stole the items.

Burnside, who has 91 previous convictions, admitted two counts of theft when she appeared at court earlier in the week and returned yesterday (Thursday, October 4) for sentencing.

Probation officer, Mo Sibert, told the court Burnside was subject to two court orders when she committed one of the thefts.

“I was quite shocked she hasn’t been to prison since 2003,” she said. “I am amazed in ten years she has not had a little visit back because you run the risk when shoplifting on court orders of going back.

“The problem with Lisa Burnside is life is about making choices, and she made some wrong choices.

“She is nearly 40, I have said to her today, when you are outside you see these young kids coming to court do you think I was that person, it is about time I stopped bothering the court?”

Magistrates gave her a 14-week community order with a strict 14-week curfew from 9am to 11am, 1pm to 3pm and 6pm to 10pm every day.