AN exhibition featuring knitted scenes from the Bible is opening in Darlington next week.

The scenes, knitted by members of St George’s United Reformed Church, in Hartlepool, and Darlington United Reformed Church, will be on show at Northgate United Reformed Church, in Darlington, from Sunday, September 15 to Friday, September 20.

Opening times are 2.30pm to 4pm on Sunday and Monday, September 15 and 16, and 10am to 3pm on Tuesday, September 17 to Friday, September 20.

An additional showing will also be held from 7pm to 8pm on Tuesday, September 17.

For more information call 01325-464408.

WINNING QUILT: A prizewinning quilt made by Heighington Women’s Institute in 1935 will be on show at a coffee morning in Heighington Village Hall, on Saturday September 21 from 10am to noon. After being lost for more than 75 years, the quilt was found in an attick in Berkshire and returned to the village in July this year. Entry to the event is £2 and includes coffee or tea and a homemade scone with jam.