ACTOR Paul Brennan is tackling the Great North Run for the first time for his close friend Phil Holbrook - whose wife, Sally, died in a car accident last December.

The accident also left Phil with life-threatening injuries and in a coma for a week.

The couple, from Hartlepool, had taken part in the Great North Run since it started and it had always been a joke that Paul would run it with them, but every year he never got round to it.

Now the star of The Borgias, The Tudors, The Bill and films Alien 3 and Border Crossing, is aiming to complete the 13.1 miles in two hours and eight minutes, the same time as Phil last year, to raise money for the intensive care unit at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.

"It's the first time I've ever done any proper running or asked people to sponsor me so I'm running for my mate, Phil, I'm running in memory of Sally and I'm running for the intensive care unit at James Cook," said Paul, "Phil is one of my oldest friends. I have known him since our first day of nursery and his is one of the kindest, most compassionate, funny people I know. I was best man at their wedding and in Sally he had found his soul mate.

"After the accident Phil was close to death - his body was smashed and broken and he was unable to breathe for himself. It was only through the expertise, care and support of the doctors and nurses in the intensive care unit that brought Phil back to his family and friends.

"It was the same intensive care unit had saved my niece's life, Alex, eight years earlier. Anyone who wants to sponsor Paul can do so at