A GROUP of artists are transforming a farmhouse into a gallery to raise funds for a prostate cancer charity.

Marjorie Shotton and her fellow artists are staging the exhibition at Catlow Hall Farm, on the B1280 road, between Wingate and Hartlepool.

Mrs Shotton said it was decided to donate the proceeds to Prostate Cancer UK after her husband, beef farmer Mark Shotton, suffered from the disease.

She said “We are 10 artists from the Teesside area and have exhibitions at the farm at the farm in the past. We have raised money for Breast Cancer UK and for the Great North Air Ambulance before.

“My husband Mark had prostate cancer and has been given the all-clear following an operation about year ago.

“There has been quite a lot in the press lately about prostate cancer so we decided to make it our charity of choice this year.”

Mrs Shotton said the farm had five rooms which had been turned into galleries.

A preview evening will be held at 7pm on Friday, with admission of £10 including canapés and music by a guest pianist – one of the paintings will be raffled.

The exhibition will then be open daily from 10am to 5pm until Saturday, August 3. Admission is free.