A FLOTILLA of lifeboats will form a guard of honour to escort a sister vessel back to her home port this weekend – just over five decades after it was involved in a rescue disaster.

RNLI lifeboats from Sunderland, Tynemouth and Hartlepool will accompany former lifeboat George Elmy as she sails on Sunday for the first time since capsizing at Seaham, County Durham, in November 1962 - with the loss of nine lives.

The dead included five crew members and four fishermen they had just rescued.

The Liverpool-class lifeboat was removed from Seaham by the RNLI after the disaster and was thought to have disappeared entirely, but in 2009 was spotted for sale on eBay.

And now, after a long restoration project managed by East Durham Heritage Group, a fundraising campaign and grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, George Elmy is ready to return home.

On Sunday she will make the three-hour journey to Seaham from her current berth at the Royal Quays, North Shields, and is expected to arrive between 1pm and 2pm.

Among the escort will be The Princess Royal, which played a major role in the search for survivors on the night of the disaster.

Before entering the marina, she will stop at the site of the capsizing for the crew to lay a wreath in memory of those lost in 1962.

Afterwards there will be a formal blessing and re-naming ceremony close to where the original one was held almost exactly 63 years ago.

One of the volunteers involved in the restoration, Brian Scollen, said Sunday will be the culmination of four years’ work and fundraising.

He said: ‘Most of those involved are of the generation that remembers the lifeboat disaster vividly.

“If you ask any of us where we were when we heard the Seaham lifeboat had capsized, we’ll be able to tell you.

“It has played a very big part in Seaham’s history and had a huge impact on the whole town.”

He added: “During the restoration project we’ve met some of the sons, daughters and other family members of those who were lost in 1962 and they have all been extremely supportive and encouraging.

“Some of them will be joining us on Sunday and I know tears will be shed but it will be a very special occasion for everyone. I hope as many people as possible can join us.”