THE Northern TUC has appointed Newcastle-born Beth Farhat as its new regional secretary.

Mrs Farhat, 33, will work from the TUC’s Newcastle office and will be its senior representative across the North East and Cumbria.

She takes over from Kevin Rowan, who became part of the TUC’s senior management team in April.

Mrs Farhat first joined a union aged 20 and became a member of the TUC in 2003; helping to set up the Northern TUC Young Members Network.

In 2006 she became a regional development worker, managing the Learning for All Fund, and was later appointed as the northern region’s development co-ordinator for unionlearn – the TUC’s learning and skills arm.

The mother-of-three, who lives in Newcastle, said the North East was enduring challenging times but she was looking forward to making a difference in her new role.

She said: “Families in the region are suffering dreadfully from a massive squeeze in their living standards.

“In parts of the North East, household income is down £4,000 as a result of falling real wages.

“Many people who have been made redundant, if they are fortunate enough to find a job again, can only get work on much lower rates of pay.

“I am proud of my background and the North East. I am personally driven and aspire to be in a position to affect change and make a difference.

“I will strive to give working people, their families and their communities a voice in these difficult times and will relish being part of a leadership team that wants to shape a future that works.”

Commenting on his successor, Kevin Rowan, head of the TUC’s organisation and services department described Mrs Farhat as “a strong advocate for the region as well as an excellent champion for unions.”