A RUGBY match between rival teams of Freemasons will raise money for charity.

The recently-formed Durham Freemasons club will take on their Northumberland brethren in a match at Darlington RFC in Grange Road, Darlington on Saturday, June 29 starting at 3pm.

The game, which will be followed by a family evening in the club with entertainment and a raffle, will raise money for the Great North Air Ambulance.

Andrew Dixon, Tow Law-based chairman of the Durham team, said: "After a shaky start last year when we lost to Northumberland in our first match, we have built up the team membership and formed a proper club.

"The game is important of course, but the biggest thing about this game is raising money for our charity this year which is the Great North Air Ambulance".

He added: "Now we are managing to recruit more players to the club I feel the Durham Masons will give Northumberland a good game this year.

Full details of the free event are available at www.durhammasonicrugby.co.uk.