A  NORTH-East man who sprinkled his own pubic hair over a half eaten curry in an attempt to not pay for it has been jailed.

Lee Tyers was caught on camera adding the extra ingredient to his meal before complaining to staff about the hairs.

The 40-year-old had been eating in Jamals Indian Restaurant, in Middlesbrough, when he called a member of staff over to say he had found some hair in his lamb bhuna.

But restaurant owner Jamal Chowdhury explained to him the hair on his plate was in fact brown and that all the staff had black hair, but Tyers left without paying.

Police were later able to study CCTV footage of the incident, which took place in November last year.

Mr Chowdhury said: "He showed me his plate and I said I gave you a clean plate. He had eaten everything but then on the side of the plate there was some brown hair.

"It was separate and not mixed into the food. I took it under the light and showed him it was brown hair and said that all the staff in the restaurant have black hair."

Court officials at Teesside Magistrates Court confirmed Tyers was found guilty of fraud by false representation and was sentenced to 14 days in jail and ordered to pay £39.55 in compensation.