A BID and Boogie charity evening has raised £15,000 for cancer research.

Organised by three members of the Bell family - mother Anne, daughter Sandra and daughter-in-law Kate - the Bid and Boogie night was held at Askrigg Village Hall on Sunday, May 26 in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Sandra Bell said: “The auction was a huge success with nearly 60 lots, and a real mix to suit all pockets from a fruitcake, a dinner party for eight, to tickets to see Robbie William and Rihanna, as well as shooting days, weekend breaks, paintings, hanging baskets and a day’s work for a plumber.

“The highest auction lot was an apartment in Portugal which made £600, the shooting days also made good money – some up to £400.

“We sold 2,500 raffle tickets with the first prize being a 22-inch flat-screen television with built in DVD player, donated by JR Iveson, Hawes.

“After battling breast cancer herself, now over 10 years ago, mum wanted to give something back and thought that raising money for Yorkshire Cancer Research was a very worthy where she could do her bit to hopefully help others.”

Sally Crerar, head of community fundraising at Yorkshire Cancer Research, said: “I was absolutely amazed to hear that £15,000 was raised at the Bid and Boogie event.

“Our grateful thanks must go to everyone who donated gifts for the auction and raffle with an extra special thank you to Kate, Sandra and Anne for organising the event with help and support from members of the Leyburn Committee for Yorkshire Cancer Research.”