A NEW group is planning a march to “show its support against all forms of extremism” following the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

Consett Strong, formed in Consett, County Durham, will be one of 76 groups planning marches throughout the country on Sunday, June 23.

The procession will leave the Leadgate Cenotaph at 12.20pm and march to the Consett Cenotaph.

There, a two-minute silence will be held at about 1pm, in memory of the 25-year-old soldier who was killed in Woolwich on May 22.

Julie Dawson, one of the march organisers, said: “We want to show support against extremism of all types. We want to stand together and try to unite people for peace instead of extremism.

“We are not aligned with nor do we share the ideology of any right wing or left wing group.

“We are merely a group of concerned citizens that wish unite all races and beliefs into one voice against extremism, wherever it may come from.”

Durham county councilor Stephen Robinson, a fellow organiser, said: “We are inviting people of all races and all religions to come along.

“Members of the Durham Parachute Regiment Association are expected to join the march and we are also in talks with the Consett Army Cadets.”

He added: “It is just horrendous what happened in our streets. We need to show extremism is not tolerated in our society."

Following the march, an afternoon of fundraising and  entertainment will be held at Consett’s Demi Club.

T-shirts emblazoned with 'I stand with Woolwich' on the front and 'Consett Stand Strong' on the back are available in all sizes for £8 with profit raised going to Help for Heroes, SSAFA, Scottys Little Soldiers, Combat Stress and the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Aid Society.

E-mail orders to consettstrong@yahoo.co.uk with name, address, size and contact telephone number.