ALEX SEARCH: The team behind the novel The Universe Vs Alex Woods written by Gavin Extence are searching for real life people called Alex Woods and an explanation of what makes so extraordinary. All entrants will receive a free copy of the book and the best entries will win tickets to the Latitude Festival. For more information visit

WALKING CHALLENGE: The Durham Dales Walking Challenge will be held on Saturday, June 22, starting in Wolsingham, in Weardale, County Durham. There will be a 16 mile and 30 mile routes for walkers and runners to be completed in a set time. Certificates and badges will be presented for successful completions. Visit for more information.

BLACKSMITH DEMONSTRATION: A blacksmith will be demonstrating his craft at Killhope, the North of England Lead Mining Museum in Weardale, County Durham, between 11am and 4pm on Sunday, June 16. For more information visit, call 01388-537505 or email