MUSIC organisations across the North have been given a helping hand to secure their future.

Arts Council England has awarded almost £150,000 to the Northern Music Consortium through its Catalyst Arts: building fundraising capacity fund, which aims to boost fundraising skills within the arts community to help organisations to survive during difficult economic times.

The Northern Music Consortium is led by Durham County Council’s Brass: Durham International Arts Festival and includes Durham Music Service, Jazz North, Sound Wave Cumbria, Teesdale’s InterOpera Ltd and Durham City-based National Youth Choirs of Great Britain.

The money will be used to help groups identify other income sources and raise money from private donors.

Alison Clark-Jenkins, Arts Council England’s regional director, said: “The Northern Music Consortium will be using the Arts Council’s Catalyst investment to achieve a variety of goals, from developing private-giving strategies to running joint fundraising campaigns and increasing awareness of commercial opportunities within the music sector.

“This important work will help organisations across the North of England become more resilient and innovative, which is exactly the kind of work our catalyst scheme is there to support.”

Councillor Neil Foster, Durham County Council’s cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: “Music enriches our lives but also brings investment into our communities.

“It is, therefore, extremely important that even during difficult times, arts organisations continue to receive support and investment.

“This funding will not only help members of the consortium develop their fundraising skills to ensure continued investment, it will also open up new opportunities for artistic collaborations and projects.

“This will, in turn, help them reach new audiences and further prospects for the future.”