COFFEE MORNING: A coffee morning will be held at Witton Park Methodist Chapel between 10am and noon on Saturday (June 8) to raise funds for the church.

CANCER FUNDRAISER: A coffee morning will be held at St Thomas’ Church Hall in Stanhope on Saturday (June 8) between 10am and noon to raise funds for the breast cancer unit at North Tees Hospital in Stockton. Refreshments will cost £1.

SCHOOL EXTENSION: Durham County Council has approved plans to extend Crook Nursery School on Croft Avenue. The current entrance area will be extended to create a new reception and office.

CINEMA CLUB: The Upper Weardale Cinema Club will show Robosapien (PG) at 6pm and Les Miserables (12) at 8pm at Upper Weardale Town Hall in St John’s Chapel on Friday (June 7). Annual membership to the club costs £2 with each film costing £2 for adults and £1.50 for children.