POLICE have warned youths that they are making themselves vulnerable to dangerous crimes by going to a woodland camp to drink and hang out.

Officers in Crook fear many youngsters will be putting themselves at risk by going to the camp in Kitty’s Wood.

Youths have used chainsaws to chop down around 40 trees to build a shelter and camp fire in the privately-owned wood and the area is scattered with beer cans and alcohol bottles.

There is also evidence of a sofa that was placed in the shelter having been burned to ashes.

PC Geoff Moore from Crook neighbourhood policing team said the criminal damage is worth about £700 and is being investigated as a crime.

But he also expressed fears for the safety of the youths who are hanging out in Kitty’s Wood.

He said: “Young people drinking alcohol in an isolated area is not a good mix.

“They are making themselves vulnerable and putting themselves at risk of becoming victims of potentially very serious offences.”

It is believed the camp was created about three weeks ago and PC Moore said up to 30 youths have been seen there.

The camp is in one part of the 22-acre wood which has several public footpaths running through it.

PC Moore said: “If the youths are here there is no-one looking out for them.

“As we approach the summer holidays it is a big concern of ours.

“I want to send a message to parents as well to know where their children are, who they are with and what they are doing.

“We have major worries about the safety of these youths and the risks they are exposing themselves to by coming here to drink.”

Also burnt in the fire were a deodorant can and gas canister.

PC Moore said the consequences of burning such explosive items could have been disastrous for those in the area.

He said: “We have evidence of people possibly sleeping here, drinking and starting fires, which is a very dangerous combination.”

Anyone with information on the camp is asked to contact PC Moore at Crook Police Station on 101.