THE countdown has begun to celebrations to mark 150 years of a historic North-East market.

Two days of events are planned for this Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, to mark the milestone anniversary of Darlington’s Covered Market.

The market was built in 1863 using designs by Quaker architect, Alfred Waterhouse, who also designed the Natural History Museum in London, and has since become a focal point for Darlington.

Throughout the celebrations, market traders will be wearing traditional Victorian dress and Victorian-style workshops will be held in the adjoining market square, including toy cast painting, liquorice making, spectacle making, candle making, bread and butter making and cloth dying.

A Victorian music wagon will play period tunes and Victorian street characters, including a penny farthing rider, grave diggers and stilt walkers will be on hand to entertain visitors.

Two unique beers – a pale ale named Lady Waterhouse and ruby ale named Ox Blood - have also been brewed by Wall’s Brewing Company in Northallerton to mark the anniversary and will be on sale throughout the event, together with a celebration pint glass.

The first ox to be roasted in the market square since 1902 will be unveiled at 11am on Saturday after cooking for 24 hours in the market square, and sandwiches will be on sale at £4 and £5, which includes a celebration plate.

Tours of the clock tower and market building will be held from 10am to 4pm on both days, and historian and deputy editor of The Northern Echo, Chris Lloyd, will hold a talk on the history of the Victorian market hall on Saturday, starting at 2pm at the Dolphin Centre.

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Everyone visiting the market during the celebrations will also be invited to add their names and thoughts to a memory book and time capsule, which will eventually be put on public display.

Councillor Nick Wallis, Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for leisure and local environment said: “The Covered Market has stood the test of time and I hope that everyone comes along and celebrates this by taking part in the events, and enjoying the party atmosphere.

“Many thanks to all who have taken the time and effort to prepare for the weekend – it’s now down to everyone to come along and join in.”

For more information visit or call 01325-461770.