A BELOVED pet has a secure future after her elderly and disabled owner pledged to leave her in the care of his trusted dog-walker when he dies.

John Johnson, 72, from Richmond, has made instructions in his will for his Doberman-cross Mij to be left with Jean Wilson, who owns a local dog-walking business and helps Mr Johnson when he is unable to walk her.

When the time comes, Ms Wilson, who runs Petpals in Richmond and Northallerton, will look after Mij until a new family can be found to adopt her.

Mr Johnson uses a powered wheelchair and has a pacemaker fitted, and although he usually walks Mij himself if he is unwell or needs to go into hospital Ms Wilson looks after her.

He said after getting Mij from kennels in 2008 aged eight months it took some time to gain her trust - and is adamant that when he can no longer take care of her himself she shouldn't feel as if she has been abandoned again.

"I have owned many dogs over the years, and they always become part of the family," Mr Johnson said. "Mij is particularly special though and as my health isn't what it was, I need to know that when I'm not around anymore she will be well loved and cared for.

"I know I can trust Jean to do the very best for Mij."

Ms Wilson said: "I know how much Mij means to John.

"The fact that he is planning ahead to make sure she will be comfortable and happy when he's gone shows what a dedicated dog owner he is -but I'm sure John will be with us for a long time yet."