A SEMINAR focusing on rural deprivation and inequalities was held at Teesside University’s Darlington Campus.

Organised by Professor Joyce Liddle on behalf of the Rural Services Network, the seminar was attended by about 40 delegates, including academics and public sector officials from across the country.

The Rural Services Network strives to safeguard and improve services in rural communities. Members include local authorities, public bodies, businesses, charities and voluntary groups.

Prof Liddle, of Teesside University, gave a presentation looking at The Adonis Review of the region’s economy, examining the effects it will have on rural deprivation and inequality.

David Hunter, of Durham University, gave a presentation on the Impact of Health System Reform on Health Inequalities, while fuel poverty and co-operative buying groups were looked at by Liz Charles, of Durham Rural Community Council.

Independent consultant Jon Carling presented a debate on whether deprivation is an issue for older and younger people in rural areas.

Prof Liddle said: “The seminar looked at how poverty, inequality and deprivation are linked to wider issues around health, well-being and economic development. Practical examples were also given of how rural residents living in fuel poverty can be supported.

“Questions posed during the debate included whether collective purchasing schemes area a solution or ‘sticking plaster’ in tackling fuel poverty and also whether creation of a Minister for Young People could help to provide support to children growing up in rural areas.”

Prof Liddle also added there was much positive feedback from delegates at the conference regarding the facilities at the University's Darlington campus.