HORSE riders are being given to the chance to learn how to care for their animals' teeth and back.

The Riding for the Disabled Association’s Unicorn Centre at Hemlington, near Middesbrough is hosting a talk and demonstration by vet James Emson on Tuesday, June 11 starting at 6.30pm.

The vet and his wife Melissa run veterinary practice Emson Equine, based in Richmond, North Yorkshire and are great supporters of the Unicorn Centre.

Mr Emson said: “The care of horses’ backs and teeth can often be sadly neglected, so I am delighted to be invited to give this demonstration, and also help the Unicorn Centre raise funds at the same time.”

Tickets for the demonstration evening, priced £3.50 adults, £2 children and £10 for a family ticket, can be purchased from the Unicorn Centre by calling 01642-576222. There are limited numbers so early booking is advised.