A HOSPITAL friends group has spent nearly £30,000 on improving care for patients at Barnard Castle this year.

The Friends of Richardson Hospital, in Barnard Castle, spent £29,300 on improving the hospital in 2012.

The group’s funds were boosted by legacies and other fundraising activities including a raffle and also an annual fete.

The money was split with £18,800 spent on equipment over the year and a further £11,000 was spent on items such as trips, training and ward activities.

It meant the friends group spent nearly £20,000 on the hospital in 2012 than it had in 2011.

Marie Yarker, chairwoman of the charity, said: “Expenditure was increased compared to the previous year.

“Awnings were fitted in the courtyard to provide much-needed shade during the summer months.

“We also purchased a piece of equipment to assess blood circulation and an exercise bike for the physiotherapy department.”

The friends also paid an extra £400 for an outing and funded the Falls Clinic until the NHS took it over.

Irene Baker will take over the post of treasurer for the friends group as Harry Dick has retired from the role after a three year tenure.

Anyone interested in helping is asked to contact Iris Hillery, of the friends group, by emailing iris@ajalon.co.uk.