A JUDGE spared a man jail after hearing he had made significant steps towards tackling his addiction to hardcore pornography.

Former Remploy worker John Lenaghan had more than a hundred indecent photos and movie clips of young children on his computer.

Twenty seven were regarded as being in the 'level four' category, level five being regarded as the most serious.

Lenaghan, 36, who has learning difficulties, was living at Arkley Crescent, Hartlepool, when it was raided by police on September 19 2011.

Sue Jacobs, prosecuting at Teesside Crown Court, said his computer along with CDs and DVDs were seized and the offending material found.

Lenaghan admitted 12 counts of making indecent photos and one of possession of indecent photos. He also asked for similar offences to be taken into account.

Christopher Baker, mitigating, said he only had himself to blame, but had sought help for his problems.

Judge John Walford said he was satisfied that Lenaghan had showed considerable remorse and had taken considerable steps to tackle an addiction to porn.

He also acknowledged he had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and presented a minimal risk of re-offending.

Lenaghan, of Borrowdale Street, Hartlepool, was given a four month jail sentence, suspended for two years, with a supervision requirement for the same period.

The defendant will have to notify police of his movements for the next seven years as a registered sex offender.