A MOTHER used her children in a benefits scam which netted her more than £3,000 by claiming they lived at home with her when in fact they did not.

Karla Hood was accused by Recorder Mark McKone, who gave her a suspended jail sentence, of a “disgraceful lie”.

The 30-year-old, from Stockton, also failed to notify the authorities that she was working between September 24 and November 19, 2010 and July 7 to August 25, 2011.

Teesside Crown Court was told that Hood began claiming benefit legitimately in April 2009, but the claim quickly became fraudulent.

The defendant was paid Jobseekers Allowance on the basis she was a lone parent with children and also received housing and council tax benefit at a higher rate because of her childcare requirements.

However her children no longer lived with her from June 2009. Hood also admitted falsifying some documents which allowed her to state that her children were in receipt of after-school care when they were not.

In total she was fraudulently overpaid £3,274. Hood admitted eight counts of benefit fraud and also separately her involvement in a car accident on January 19 this year in which she failed to stop and report a collision.

She also drove without a full licence or insurance.

Robin Turton, mitigating, said Hood had suffered from depression and also had mental health problems.

Recorder McKone said she had come close to a immediate prison sentence, but he was able to draw back from this because of her significant personal difficulties.

Hood was given a community order and supervision, both lasting 12 months. She will also do 150 hours unpaid work and pay £500 costs.

She was warned jail would be inevitable should she breach the terms of her sentence.