A MAN found guilty of knowingly helping a child run away from home is to be sentenced at Teesside Crown Court.

Jonathan Pennington was charged under the Children’s Act when police found a teenage girl on the porch roof of his house after she had clambered out of his bedroom window.

Appearing at Teesside Magistrates’ Court in Middlesbrough today (Thursday, May 30), he was told that he would no longer be sentenced in that court, but would now have his punishment decided on June 17 by a judge at Teesside Crown Court along with other matters being dealt with there.

The 24-year-old of Bannockburn Way in Billingham, Stockton, had received a written police warning forbidding him from contacting the girl, who was in foster care, and when officers called at his home on March 4 this year he denied she was there.

He was found guilty of knowingly assisting a child to run or stay away from home at a trial held earlier this month.