A LARGE pig will be one of the star attractions at a North-East museum’s annual Georgian Fair – with visitors invited to guess her weight.

Miss Winky, a white cross-saddleback pig, will feature at the fair held at Beamish Museum, near Stanley, County Durham, from tomorrow (Thursday, May 30) to Sunday.

The seven-year-old has lived at Beamish Museum since she was a year old and has grown to immense proportions – the person with the best guess of her weight each day will win a prize.

The Squire of Pockerley Old Hall will declare the fair open at the museum’s Pockerley Waggonway at 11am each day, with warnings of dire consequences for unseemly behaviour, drunkenness and rowdiness.

Visitors will be able to see the quack doctor and a Punch and Judy Show, as well as ride on the Georgian travelling swing boat or watch the wood turner and basket weaver at work.

A corn dolly maker will demonstrate her age-old craft and a silhouette cutter will show off his skill. Plants, bread, vegetables and wine are on sale from traditional market stalls.

There’s a fire-eater to thrill the crowd with spectacular feats of daring and musicians and clog dancers to entertain.

A group of Wellington’s Redcoats, in period military uniforms, will visit the fair and put people through their paces in precision military drill on Saturday and Sunday.

The museum is open from 10am to 4pm each day and details of admission charges are available at beamish.org.uk or by calling 0191-370-4000.