A WOMAN who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is holding a garden party to raise money for charities to benefit other sufferers.

Supply teacher Victoria Knapp, 30, from Consett, was diagnosed in April after experiencing numbness in her legs and problems with her eyesight.

She is inviting people to her parents’ house at 18 Redwell Hills in Leadgate from 2pm-5pm on Sunday July 14.

Entry is free and all money raised will go towards the MS Trust and the MS Research and Relief Fund.

Ms Knapp said: “When I first diagnosed I did not really know what MS was so I went on a website and the MS Trust was looking for people to hold garden parties.

“I thought it would be a good idea.”

Ms Knapp is selling raffle tickets at £1 a strip with a range of prizes donated by businesses around the region.

People who want to support her by making a donation can log on to justgiving.com/vics-garden-party

To find out more log on vicsgardenparty.weebly.com