PASSENGERS are overwhelmingly happy with Durham’s park-and-ride bus service, a survey suggests.

The results show that the service, run by Arriva for Durham County Council, is viewed as safe, comfortable and fairly priced, with helpful and friendly staff.

Everyone who took part in the survey rated the service as good or very good.

More than four in five people waited less than five minutes for a bus and no-one waited longer than ten minutes.

One hundred per cent of respondents rated the comfort as good or very good and 99 per cent thought the bus drivers were good or very good when it came to being friendly and helpful.

Passengers also praised car park staff and other facilities provided.

Ninety-seven per cent were happy with the current ticket prices. Day tickets cost £2.

Councillor Neil Foster, the council’s cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: “As with the 2010 survey, the results show that the public is very happy with the park-and-ride service that we’ve put in place.

“Not only does the service boost businesses in the city by making it easier for people to get in and out but it does so in a way that reduces congestion and pollution.”