LOTTERY funding has been announced to tackle diabetes, help armed forces families and to improve health and well-being across the North-East.

The money, from Big Lottery Fund's Well-being programme, will be shared between four organisations involved in a range of health and well-being projects.

Through a Lottery grant of £455,875, Westbank will work with residents of Darlington and Newcastle who may be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

The project will support them to make lifestyle changes that prevent their condition from progressing and provide information and peer support to those who are newly diagnosed.

Support will be given to around 1,000 people including access to specialist nutritional advice and individual diet plans, physical activity sessions, an education programme and a buddy up scheme.

The Enable East programme received £451,550 to run projects in County Durham and Northumberland for military families.

An interactive programme of workshops will support the health and well-being of families of the armed forces. There will also be a weekend retreat for siblings of lost and wounded servicemen specifically aimed at supporting young people's mental health.

The Federation of Groundwork Trusts receives £451,000 to run six projects across the region over the next two years through their Target: Wellbeing programme.

Healthy Parks, Healthy Minds will train residents of Darlington and Northumberland in a range of environmental activities such as woodland management and bulb planting.

Street Eates in Durham, Stockton, Redcar, Skinningrove and Middlesbrough will bring healthy and affordable food to streets in Tees Valley and Durham by training residents to grow and cook their own vegetables.