AN AWARENESS day for people with hearing and sight problems will include visits from some special guests.

Durham County Council’s Sensory Support Awareness Day at County Hall, from 9am to 4pm on Thursday June 6, will include a demonstration by Goalball UK.

Originally developed as a form of rehabilitation for soldiers returning from World War II, goalball is now played around the globe and proved particularly popular during last summer’s Paralympic Games.

The event will also include a visit from rugby coach Lee Curry, of Consett, County Durham, who was chosen to carry the Paralympic Flame from London in recognition of his success in inspiring other people with disabilities to get involved in sport.

Free hearing screenings will be available throughout the day and there will be a variety of workshops covering subjects such as deaf awareness, welfare rights, daily living tasks and iPad technology training.

Exhibitors will include Action on Hearing Loss, Action for Blind People, Guide Dogs UK, BID Services, Durham Deafened Support, Deafblind UK, The Macular Society and Hearing Link UK.

There will also be information on council services including the Equipment Advice Service, Booking is required for the goalball demonstration, Lee Curry visit, workshops and hearing tests. Call 03000 263 940.

Welfare Rights and County Durham Carers.

For more information visit