A HISTORIAN is appealing for information and photographs about the men remembered on a town’s war memorial.

Aaron Cowen has launched a new project to pull together the history of those on the memorial in Crook.

Mr Cowen is planning to write a book about the servicemen named on the memorial and is especially interested in finding photographs of those named.

He has launched a page on Facebook where people can find information about the project and also more details on some of the men whose names are on the memorial.

Mr Cowen is also appealing for information and photographs of those on the memorials in Billy Row, Helmington Row, Stanley Crook and Fir Tree for the book which he hopes to publish in two years time.

He said: “I would be interested to receive any information or photographs about these men.

“I have a scanner and can visit people’s homes to get a copy of the picture if they do not want them to leave their possession.”

For more information, search for Crook War Memorial Research on Facebook or email cowenaaron@hotmail.com.