A TEENAGER has admitted responsibility for an attack which left a man blinded in one eye.

But Angus William Holdsworth, who lashed out with a metal pole at the armed caller at his doorstep, made the admission on the basis it was over-zealous self-defence.

Durham Crown Court heard that the 40-year-old victim, with his partner, came to an address where Hollingsworth was staying, in New Kyo, near Stanley, at 11pm, on January 12.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said there had been an earlier “heated exchange” between the parties on the telephone and it was accepted that the couple were armed with a hammer and screw driver.

But he said the force of the blow was considered “excessive”, and caused, “significant injuries.”

“It might be considered to have been a reckless blow, in the circumstances,” added Mr Dodds.

Robert Adams, for Hollingsworth, said: “It’s accepted that he armed himself with a pole from a metal roof rack.

“He says the hammer was raised and he accepts he got in the first blow.

“He accepts what he did was more than what might be considered as reasonable self defence, striking a blow too hard in the circumstances.”

Holdsworth, 17, of Neal Street in Annfield Plain, near Stanley, denied causing grievous bodily harm with intent, but pleaded ‘guilty’ to unlawful wounding.

Mr Dodds said, following discussion with a senior Crown prosecutor, the pleas were considered “acceptable”.

Mr Adams asked for preparation of a report by the Youth Offending Service prior to sentence.

Agreeing to the request, Judge Peter Kelson remanded Hollingsworth back to custody to be brought back for sentence on Friday June 7.