A NORTH-East air cadet has been named the best in the country.

Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) Matthew Leathard, of 234 (City of Durham) Squadron Air Cadets, has been awarded the Dacre Sword, presented annually to the best male cadet in the Air Training Corps (ATC).

The 19-year-old beat off competition from more than 20,000 cadets across the country to win the sword, becoming the first winner from northern England since 1988.

Mr Leathard, from Langley Park, County Durham, joined 234 Squadron in 2008 and has gained a flying scholarship, gliding wings, a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, BTECs and a junior leader qualification.

He has been selected for overseas camps, served as a Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet in 2011 and raised money for various charities.

His commanding officer, Flight Lieutenant Liz Green, said: “I am immensely proud of what CWO Leathard has achieved.

“Since joining the squadron almost five years ago, he has grasped every opportunity available to him with both hands and has committed himself wholeheartedly to every challenge he has undertaken.

“He inspires all our younger cadets with his ambitious, ‘can do’ attitude and encourages them to achieve too. He is an outstanding ambassador for the ATC.”