FAMILY geology trails have been launched for visitors to Durham Cathedral.

The walk around the cathedral's woodland and riverbanks today (Monday May 27) following the successful creation of a trail-based school learning session.

It has been developed with Durham University and has been designed by final year students.

Julie Gannon-Gowland, the cathedral’s project officer, said: “We are really pleased that we are now able to offer families a resource that can be used on the riverbanks.

“The woodlands and riverbanks are a much loved, outdoor, city-centre space and there are lots of points of interest.

“The Durham University students have done a fantastic job creating the trail, using the already existing schools geology session as a starting point.”

The project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, The Banks Community Fund, Biffa Award, and the Friends of Durham Cathedral. Durham University has part-funded the printing of the Family Geology Trail.

Dr Stuart Jones, senior lecturer in sedimentology, in Durham University’s Department of Earth Sciences, said: “It has led to the design and production of a leaflet that hopefully will encourage visitors to Durham and the cathedral to venture a little further exploring the local geology that was so important for the cathedral and the city."

The trail costs £1 and is available from the cathedral shop and the information desk.