A FAMILY fun day has raised more than £2,000 for a charity that is helping a blind five-year-old girl deal with an inoperable brain tumour.

Friends and family of Nicole Agar raised £2,083.49 during the four-hour long fun day on Saturday at Bishop Auckland Cricket Club.

Organiser Jackie Howard, who is a cousin of Nicole’s grandmother, said she was astounded by the amount.

Five-year-old Nicole Agar, from Ferryhill in County Durham, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour when she was four months old and is registered blind.

Nicole's family, including her mother Lindsay Fitzgerald, father Andrew Agar and younger siblings Brooke and Kyle, receive help from the Rainbow Trust - a charity that supports families with a seriously or terminally-ill child.

Mrs Howard said: “We have seen what the Rainbow Trust has done for Nicole and her family so we want to give something back to them.

“I am overwhelmed with how much money we raised and want to say a massive thank you to everyone who contributed.”

Mrs Howard, who raised more than £1,600 for the charity with a sponsored trek in April, said she hopes to make the fun day an annual event and have it even bigger and better next year.

The Shildon fundraiser also said a special thank you to DJ Jason Grimes who put on a disco for free.

Money was raised to pay for the fun day through a series of coffee mornings in the month leading up to it.