A public meeting for people in south Consett to speak with police officers about crime concerns is being held at Selby Gardens Community Centre, Selby Gardens, The Grove, Consett, on May 29 from 6pm-7pm.

The meeting will be attended by a representative from the neighbourhood policing team and will be specific to the area. Individual neighbourhood priorities will be discussed. All members of the community are welcome.

CHILD’S PLAY: A stage version of The Enormous Turnip is coming the Empire Theatre in Consett on Saturday June 16 at 3pm.

It is suitable for children aged two and over and their families. The running time is 85 minutes with an interval.

Tickets are £7 for children and £7.50 for adults and can be booked by calling 01207-218171.

ARROW FUN: Archery classes are held at Tantobie Community Centre, near Stanley, from 9.30am-11am on Sundays. For more details call Chris Hume 07784 259600 KEEP FIT: A gentle exercise class for the over 50's is held at Citizen's House, in Consett, on Thursdays from 10am-10.45am. Donations of £1.50 are requested.

GOOD DOGS: Dog training classes are held at Lanchester Community Centre on Sundays from 10am-12noon by Vicky Welsh. For more information email enquiries@haveagooddog.co.uk or call 0191-410-2325.

ON SONG: Lanchester Male Voice Choir meets at Lanchester Community Centre at 7.30pm each Monday in the main hall. All men are welcome and auditions are not required. Email lanchestercommunitycentre@yahoo.co.uk for more information.

IN SHAPE: Healthy circuits classes for the over 50's are held at Glenroyd House, Medomsley Road, Consett, starting Monday June 3 from 10am-11am. They cost £2 per session. Ring 01207-280119 for more information.

LINE DANCING: Tantobie Community Centre holds line dancing session Wednesdays from 7.30pm-9.30pm. For further information contact Chris Hume on 07784-259-600