A SCHOOL built in the Edwardian era is inviting pupils past and present to celebrate its history before the home time bell rings out for the last time.

Greenland Community Primary School opened in the mining area of South Moor, near Stanley, in 1908 as two separate infant and junior schools.

They were amalgamated over a century later, but pupils are now looking forward to moving to a £6m school with facilities fit for the 21st century.

Headteacher Rose Bainbridge said the Treasure the Past, Embrace the Future programme next month includes open days featuring displays of photographs and memorabilia.

She said: “The focus is on remembering this old place and the happy memories that have been created here. We want people to come and share that so they can say ‘goodbye’ before the school moves from the site.

“Judging by some of the comments on our Facebook site the exhibition has ignited a lot of warmth among the community.”

The buildings are expected to be offered for use to community groups before a long term decision is made.

The new school, on the former pitches of South Moor Juniors Football Club, opposite St George’s Church, is due to open for the new academic year in September.

A multi use games area, with facilities for children to play football, hockey, tennis, netball and rugby, will have a 3G rubberised synthetic floodlit pitch and there will be a woodland area and gardens to promote outdoor learning.

The state-of-the-art school will also have a technology department with interactive white boards, laptops and iPads and a food technology department to promote healthy eating.

Mrs Bainbridge added: “Everyone is very excited about the new schools but it is tinged with a little bit of sadness. We are going to miss this place as it has got lots of nice features.”

“There are many fond memories here for people in South Moor.”

Past pupils and parents are invited to see the exhibitions on June 11 from 2pm-6pm and June 12 from 2pm-4pm.

It is hoped there will be a school fete for pupils before the schools closes for the summer holidays in July.