A THIEF who stole a satellite navigation system and other electrical items from a van blamed the owner - for leaving the vehicle open.

Kenneth Graham went on a stealing spree near Middlesbrough town centre just six months after dodging prison for a moped joyride.

The teenager escaped a jail sentence again after telling a judge he had finally "had my eyes opened" after four years of crime.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Graham has 21 offences on his record for things such as theft, burglary, assault and drugs.

Last August, the 19-year-old got a suspended jail term for aggravated vehicle taking and attempted theft from a shed.

He took a moped from a garage in Hartlepool, raced through a give-way junction and fell off after nearly crashing.

On February 13, he was spotted hanging around a car park in Marton Road, Middlesbrough, by a workman at a nearby hotel.

The roofer realised his van had been broken into and his sat-nav and phone had been taken, and went looking for the suspect.

Graham returned to the car park and tried to break into another two vans before the tradesman collared him and called police.

When arrested, the thief said: "I was just walking past and he was stupid for leaving the doors open. I found the stuff inside."

Robin Denny, mitigating, told Judge Howard Crowson that Graham "was subjected to a physical attack" after the van break-ins.

"Obviously, one has to accept he has a record which runs back over years, and he has never been sent away.

"The court will be sorely tempted to want to change that, but he has not offended for a number of months."

"I hope the court will take into account his considerable efforts to change matters and give him the last chance he should never have."

Graham, of Ottawa Road, Middlesbrough, admitted two charges of attempted theft, one of theft and breaching a suspended sentence.

He was given a community order for 12 months and told to carry out 40 hours of unpaid work - and a stark warning from the judge.

Judge Crowson told him: "It is my belief you are someone who might change. I might be wrong about that, and I will put it right if I am by sending you to prison."