THE 1,000-year history of Durham has been told many times, usually through the worthy deeds of saints and dense writings of scholars.

But a new student-made documentary, to be premiered next month (June), is challenging that norm – re-telling Durham’s story through the drunken antics and late-night hi-jinks of its students.

City residents may complain today’s students are work-shy layabouts, not deserving of the name.

But Alex Morgan, writer and presenter of The Durham Story, said when the students of the 1840s are considered, his peers are pale by comparison.

“If anything, the students back then got up to more mischief than we do now,” the second-year philosophy and theology undergraduate said.

“One of the favourite tricks of the original students was to climb the (castle) keep and blow the hunting horn to wake up the residents. They’d then give each other points for how many they got out of bed.”

The 30-minute documentary, boasts contributions from BBC presenter Jeremy Vine – a former Durham student; travel writer Bill Bryson – a former Durham University chancellor; and opera star Sir Thomas Allen, the current chancellor.

But it focuses on Edward Bradley, a 19th Century clergyman and early Durham University graduate who gained fame writing tales of student adventures under the pen name of Cuthbert M Bede.

Mr Morgan, 20, originally from Crowthorne, in Berkshire, said: “The film shows that, yes, we dress differently, but freshers really haven’t changed. They still get up to mischief.”

The Durham Story will be premiered in the grand surroundings of Durham Castle’s Great Hall on Friday, June 7, at 8.30pm. Entry is free and open to all. Tickets can be booked at the Durham World Heritage Site visitor centre, on Owengate, Durham, or by calling 0191-334-3805.

DVD copies will be available, for a small fee.

Mr Morgan also wants to hear more student stories and anecdotes for the Your Durham Story project, which will lead to a Bradley-style comic strip being drawn up. For more information, email: