A LEADING North-East trade unionist has criticised former Health Secretary Alan Milburn for accepting a job with a private company working in the health sector.

The comments by Trevor Johnson, head for health for Unison in the North-East, followed an announcement that the former Darlington MP has been appointed as chairman of PwC's newly formed Health Industry Oversight Board (HIOB).

PwC - formerly known as PriceWaterhouseCooper - said the board marks a key investment in the health sector and builds on the company's existing strength servicing public health, private health, pharmaceutical and life science clients.

Mr Johnson said it was "extremely disappointing someone who was a Labour minister would use that privileged position" to take on such a role with a private company.

"Every penny that goes into profits should be used to pay for patient care," he said.

"The idea we need more private sector involvement to improve standards in the NHS is absolute nonsense. It has actually led to a lowering of standards."

Both Mr Milburn, who served as Health Secretary under Tony Blair's Labour Government, and PwC declined to respond to Mr Johnson's comments.

However Mr Milburn said: "I'm delighted to be working with PwC in this new role. 

"The health industry in the UK offers strong opportunities for growth in the wider economy and for PwC.

"My aim is to bring together a panel of industry experts to help catalyse change across the health sector and to help PwC grow its presence in the health market."

Marcus Robinson, a partner in PwC Newcastle, said: "This is an exciting development for PwC. Alan's appointment and the creation of the Health Industry Oversight Board mark a significant investment in this sector and a consolidation in our approach to the market.

"We do a lot of work in the North-East in health. Alan and the HIOB will add further to our strong position that is focused on creating value relevant to health care payers, providers and patients."