A POLICE force is holding a reunion for retired officers and staff.

Durham Constabulary will host the reunion at its Aykley Heads headquarters, in Durham City, on Sunday, June 30.

The aim is to allow retired employees to catch up and keep abreast of new developments in policing.

There will be displays by the dog section and history society and entertainment from Durham Constabulary band and choir.

Serving members of staff are also invited.

Chief Constable Mike Barton said: “This is an important event which helps us to keep in touch with former colleagues who act as ambassadors for the force in local communities.”

The event runs from 2pm to 5pm. Admission is by ticket only.

Members of the National Association of Retired Police Officers, or their widows or widowers, should apply to Angie Crawford by calling 0191-518-0996 or emailing: angiechilton@yahoo.com; or Colin Appleby by calling 0191-584-6178 or emailing: appleby.colin@btinternet.com