An ''accomplished liar'' who asked internet forum users to help him avoid getting penalty points after he was clocked riding his motorbike at 122mph has been jailed for eight months, North Yorkshire Police said today.

MoT tester Andrew John Kelly, 37, went online and published details of how he planned to avoid prosecution after he was caught by a mobile speed camera on the A63 near Selby, North Yorkshire, the force said.

Kelly, of Littlemoor View, Pudsey, Leeds, pleaded guilty to two counts of perverting the course of justice and one charge of speeding and was sentenced at York Crown Court today.

North Yorkshire Police said after the hearing: ''Kelly looked to the internet motoring advice forum Pepipoo for advice about how to avoid the impending prosecution despite admitting on the forum that he was speeding at 122mph.

''His lies then escalated into a serious sequence of events as he attempted to manipulate the law to avoid penalty points.

''During the investigation, police also uncovered his previous deception after he bragged to forum users about how he avoided a parking fine by producing a fake recovery invoice claiming his vehicle had broken down at the time.

''His unashamed lies provoked a backlash from other users on Pepipoo who disapproved of his deception and his account was terminated by the administrators.''

Police said that during interviews, Kelly claimed that a man called Richard was riding his bike at the time of the offence as he wanted to buy it. He could not provide any further information about Richard as he claimed the diary in which he kept the man's details had been stolen.

Kelly was sentenced to four months each for the two charges of perverting the course of justice, to run consecutively with a requirement to serve four months before being release on licence. If he breaches the licence, he will be returned to prison. He was given six penalty points on his licence for the speeding offence, which took place on a 70mph dual carriageway last June, a force spokesman added.

Traffic Constable Zoe Billings of North Yorkshire Police carried out a detailed investigation into the case with the help of Pepipoo.

She said: ''Today's sentence reflects the seriousness of the offences Kelly committed and demonstrates how seriously North Yorkshire Police take road safety. It sends a clear message that we will leave no stone unturned to ensure that those who put lives in danger on our roads are brought to justice.

''Unbelievably, Kelly published his intention to lie about who was riding his motorbike on the internet. When forum users spoke of their disgust at his dishonesty, he then bragged to them about how he had lied in the past and got away with not paying for a parking ticket.

''Our investigation also revealed that Kelly had a history of failing to comply with statutory documentation and a complete disregard for road safety. He tried to portray himself as a simple mechanic who was poor at paperwork, but in reality, he is an accomplished liar.

''He continued to lie during police interviews and only when presented with overwhelming evidence through his seized clothing, did he admit to being the rider of the bike. He has no-one but himself to blame for the situation he now has to face.''

Following the sentencing, Stephen Smith, co-founder of the motoring advice website and forums, said: ''This case shows yet again that many people don't appear to appreciate the seriousness of lying about what they may see as 'just speeding', or even something as minor as a parking fine.

''That's why our forum members are so quick and so forceful, as with Mr Kelly's posts, in trying to dissuade people who seem to be considering lying to the police and courts from doing so.

''We fully support the fundamental rights of motorists accused of criminal offences to use any applicable legal defences to defend themselves, and are always ready to help them in doing so. However, we will neither condone nor assist in any attempts to pervert the course of justice.''