A PRISON officer who helped save the life of a young inmate has received an MBE from Princess Anne.

Adrian Ruddle, 46, custodial manager in the operations department at Deerbolt Young Offenders' Institution, at Barnard Castle, described the ceremony as “absolutely incredible and completely breathtaking.”

He was recognised in the New Year's Honours list for his work in prisons and with young offenders since he joined the service in 2002.

He travelled to Buckingham Palace with wife Lisa, nine-year-old daughter Ellie and brother David to collect the medal.

Deerbolt YOI governor Gabrielle Lee said Mr Ruddle had shown consistent high levels of professionalism and a first class rapport with prisoners, plus great commitment to supporting young people and changing their lives.

She said Mr Ruddle was the best possible example of a prison officer.

This was demonstrated in September 2011 when, as the night orderly officer, Mr Ruddle and three other members of staff were called to the cell of a young inmate who had attempted to hang himself.

Mr Ruddle and his colleagues managed to revive the prisoner before a nurse arrived to administer oxygen and paramedics rushed him to hospital.

Before joining the prison service, Mr Ruddle spent 16 years in the Army, rising to the rank of Acting Troop Sergeant with the Queen's Royal Hussars.

After returning to civilian life, he decided he preferred being in a service rather than a traditional "nine to five" environment. He spent two years at HMP Durham, before being transferred to Deerbolt, which houses inmates aged 18-21.

He said: “It is enormously rewarding work in this environment. The culmination was being nominated for the MBE, but you can take a rewarding experience away from this job every day.”

Mr Ruddle and the Princess Royal had plenty to chat about when he received his MBE.

The princess is patron of the Butler Trust, which recognises outstanding practice in the prison service, and had visited Deerbolt in 2007.

“She has a specific interest in the prison service and was able to make me feel very comfortable with the questions she asked.

“She asked about Deerbolt and how we had moved on since she visited. It was nice of her to remember us.”