VILLAGERS left isolated by a landslip are putting their lives at risk by walking miles along a dangerous road to access vital services.

The A67 between High Coniscliffe and Piercebridge, near Darlington has been closed since Tuesday, March 19 following a landslip caused by heavy rain.

Since then, buses have been unable to reach the village and residents of High Coniscliffe without vehicles have had to walk to nearby Piercebridge to access shops and public transport.

However, the footpath running alongside the A67 has now been closed off – meaning the villagers must take a detour of around four miles along Ulnaby Lane to reach Piercebridge.

High Coniscliffe resident Elizabeth Leeman is calling for Darlington Borough Council to put on shuttle buses until the problems are resolved. She says the detour along the busy road, which has no footpath or lighting, is putting lives in danger.

She said: “There are a number of elderly people having to use this road, including one man in his 80s who has cancer. It is extremely dangerous as traffic is also being diverted along it and there is no footpath. It is absolutely atrocious.

“I understand the problem has to be dealt with but this plan has not been thought through properly. We are paying a lot of council tax to live here and this is not good enough.”

Coun David Lyonette, the council's cabinet member for transport, said: “This is a difficult and frustrating situation.  The uncertainty around the stability of the landslip and impact this could have on the water mains prevents us from allowing use of the road and footpath.

“The safety of residents and road users must be our first priority and therefore the road and footway has to remain closed whilst investigations are underway.

“We do realise there are a range of issues caused by the road closure and we are committed to working side by side with residents and businesses to limit the impact of the road closure wherever possible.”

A spokeswoman from Darlington Borough Council said the provision of a temporary shuttle bus is currently being explored.

Ward councillor Gerald Lee has called for volunteer drivers to come forward and help transport people to and from Piercebridge while the council work to resolve the problems. To volunteer, email Coun Lee on