AN armed robber stole cash after threatening shop staff with a knife last night (Wednesday March 27).

Terrified staff handed over £175 when the man brandished the knife and demanded money from the till at the Ken Warne Store in Cleveland Terrace, Darlington.

Shop manager Steve Poad said: “The guy just walked in with a knife, he knew what he was doing and looked like he’d planned it. Nobody was hurt and he got away with the money.

“There were two members of staff on, a young man and a lady who has worked here for a long time. I spoke to them this morning and they were shaken, it had only just kicked in with them what could have happened.

“You just do not expect this sort of thing to happen. We are lucky that nobody was hurt but it is a very scary thing to go through. We hope that the police will apprehend him. Somebody must know who he is and we hope they will shop him.”

The robber, who was caught on CCTV, is described as being in his late teens to early twenties, of medium build and between 5ft 7ins to 5ft 11ins tall. He was wearing a blue hooded top and light coloured woollen hat.

Police are appealing for witnesses who may have seen the man in the area before or after the incident, which took place at aabout 8.30pm, to come forward.

Anyone with information, or anyone who recognises the man in the CCTV images, is asked to contact the Darlington Serious Crime Team on non-emergency number 101 quoting crime number DHM-27032013-0384 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111.

The incident is the second armed robbery to have taken place at the shop in recent years. In January 2010, masked raider Matthew Hamilton stole £400 after threatening staff with a knife. He was later jailed for 32 months for the crime.