HOUSING Hartlepool has been inspiring and encouraging residents to Love Where They Live by launching a national anti-littering campaign.

Residents of an area in the West View Estate, with staff from Housing Hartlepool, Hartlepool Borough Council, Cleveland Police and the fire brigade, took to the streets to tackle litter, fly tipping and unruly gardens.

Alongside the clean-up work, Housing Hartlepool’s neighbourhood team provided tenancy advice and support on tackling anti-social behaviour. The fire brigade carried out home visits to fit free smoke alarms and the police offered free UV marking on valuable items.

The campaign, which ran over three days, was such a success that similar community days are now being planned for other areas across Hartlepool.

Jan Ledger, neighbourhood manager for Housing Hartlepool, said: “Everyone loves something about where they live. This campaign is about people working together as a community to make change happen. No-one is excluded as we can all do something to make our neighbourhood a better place to live, whether helping to keep estates clean or tackling anti-social behaviour.”