A FATHER who drove his young children to nursery after drinking three litres of wine crashed into several parked cars, nearly knocking over a motorist, a court heard.

Ian Lee Wilson, of Dundee Street, Darlington, drove the children, aged five, two and one, to nursery yesterday morning (Tuesday, March 26), despite being more than five times over the legal alcohol limit.

The 40-year-old admitted drink-driving and dangerous driving at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court in County Durham today (Wednesday, March 27).

Claire Brinton, prosecuting, said Wilson had dropped the children off at around 9am and returned to his black Vauxhall Meriva vehicle on Haughton Road.

“He then collided with a number of vehicles,” she said. “When attempting to leave the scene he almost knocked down one of the drivers who had got out to inspect the damage.

“He missed the man by inches.”

Ms Brinton described how Wilson went on to crash into a taxi with considerable force.

“The taxi driver made the decision to follow the defendant, flashing her headlights and blasting her horn to make him stop,” she said. “He went straight into the back of a black car.”

The court heard how the taxi driver got out her car and confronted Wilson, who tried to prevent her from opening the door.

“A tug of war situation occurs, but the taxi driver manages to open the door and snatch the keys from the ignition,” said Ms Brinton.

“She described being hit by a strong smell of alcohol.”

Wilson, who had been drinking the previous night, was arrested and tested positive for alcohol. The lowest reading revealed 188 microgrammes (mg) of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, more than five times the legal limit of 35 mg.

In interview, Wilson, who received an 18-month disqualification in 2007 for drink-driving, said he had been an “idiot” and admitted he had exposed his children to danger.

Nick Woodward, mitigating, said Wilson was suffering from depression and had turned to alcohol when he lost his job.

He urged magistrates not to send the case to crown court, emphasising how Wilson had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

However, Chair, Nigel Scott, said the bench’s sentencing powers were not sufficient for so serious a matter and committed the case to Durham Crown Court on April 24 for sentence.

Wilson was given unconditional bail.

Do you know the taxi driver who forced Wilson to stop? Contact the newsdesk on 01325-505065 or email newsdesk@nne.co.uk

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