HOMEOWNERS and businesses with their own CCTV cameras are being urged to join a new police register to help investigate crimes in Weardale.

Officers from the dale’s Neighbourhood Policing Team are compiling a register of all CCTV systems in the area which will be used to capture criminals.

Sergeant Adam Howell from Stanhope Police Station said the register will only be accessible to officers and would prove a useful weapon in the fight against rural crime.

Sgt Howell said: “It’s an age old problem, there are cameras up and down the dale that would provide very strong evidence in our investigations but we need to know where they are.

“There are countless examples of CCTV being a valuable provider of strong evidence that has led to the detection of crimes and conviction of criminals.

“For example, recently in Stanhope we used CCTV to identify a suspect after a shop had its window smashed.”

The CCTV register would be available to officers in other areas of the county who might be investigating incidents in Weardale.

Sgt Howells said: “Currently we rely on the local knowledge of our officers, but by having a comprehensive register officers from other areas can also save time in their investigations.

“More and more people are installing their own CCTV systems, it would be very helpful to know which areas are covered, who operates the cameras and what format the recordings are in.”

By knowing which areas are covered, Sgt Howells said the beat team could also look at improving coverage in blackspots not so well covered by cameras.

He said: “Once we have mapped where the cameras we can look at areas with no coverage, but that would depend on those businesses or premises in those areas.

“We have had some very good results from CCTV and it would be good if people would let us know where the cameras are.”

The register currently holds about 40 cameras with more still being sought.

For more information or to join the register, contact the Stanhope Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 or visit their Facebook page.