A BRICK was thrown through the window of a train as it was leaving a station.

No-one was hurt but PC Steve Maddison, of the British Transport Police, said the incident could have had fatal results.

It happened at around 4.15pm on Saturday, March 16, when a passenger train was leaving Newton Aycliffe station for Shildon.

“A brick was thrown at the train, which smashed through one of the windows,” said PC Maddison. “Luckily no-one was injured; however this could have easily ended in tragedy.

“This was an extremely foolish and dangerous act, which not only put the driver and passengers on the train in danger but also resulted in a train being damaged and being taken out of service for costly repairs.

“We are currently carrying out local enquiries, including identifying any forensic opportunities and speaking with witnesses.”

Early investigations have revealed a sighting of two people by the side of the train tracks at the time of the incident; one was wearing a black jumper.

PC Maddison continued: “If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area at the time of the incident, or have any information that may be able to help this investigation, please come forward.

“We urge those who think that throwing objects at trains is fun to think about the consequences of their actions, which in this case could have been much worse.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact British Transport Police on 0800 405040 or via text on 61016, quoting log 336 of March 16.

Information can also be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.