AN accountant who “awarded” himself an extra £1,000 per month for a year was spared an immediate prison sentence today (Monday March 25).

Christopher Scott Wilkinson, who was payroll manager for Durham-based North of England Estates Ltd, made the overpayments each month for the year leading up to October, 2011.

Durham Crown Court heard his activities only came to light after his dismissal for unrelated matters, unauthorised absences, in December that year.

Martin Towers, prosecuting, said Wilkinson’s successor uncovered the discrepancies in accounts and police were called.

He made immediate admissions when interviewed, blaming large gambling debts and household bills.

Wilkinson, 43, of Lime Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, admitted fraud by abuse of position, involving a total sum of £12,781.

Andrew Petterson, mitigating, said despite having control for financial matters Wilkinson was not highly paid, working about 24 hours per week, and psychiatric reports suggest he suffered depression at the time.

Mr Petterson said Wilkinson “immediately came clean” when it came to light.

He has taken steps to address his problems, and now no longer gambles or drinks, while he is assessed as posing only a “low risk” of re-offending.

Judge Christopher Prince said Wilkinson was otherwise, “effectively a man of good character”.

He said gambling and drinking was, “no mitigation”, but the fact he has taken steps to address those problems was beneficial to his position.

Judge Prince imposed a 12 month prison sentence, suspended for two years, with 18 months probation supervision.